other word can scare fitness buffs like the term “fat”. The mere
mention of the term conjures images of obese people snacking on the
unhealthiest types of food. Indeed, a poor diet can lead to
dangerously high levels of cholesterol in the body, which in turn
leads to cardiovascular complications, diabetes, and other bodily
issues that can lead to an untimely death. However, contrary to
popular belief, not all kinds of fat are bad for the body.
in fact, is one of the most essential substances for the human body.
Fatty acids are important in maintaining a person's metabolism and
reducing the effects of certain diseases. While the human body needs
omega-3, it can't produce the substance on its own; thus, the
consumption of certain types of food that are rich in this nutrient
is essential.
kinds of seafood are very rich in fatty acids and are usually
people's main sources of omega-3. Fish such as salmon, herring,
sardines, and mackerel are popular choices due to their strong
flavor. Those planning to enrich their diet with supplements might
want to look into fish and krill oil, which are also brimming with
fatty acids. In addition, they are also loaded with various vitamins
and antioxidants, which can make them a hit with the
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